Best Way to Clean Laminate Floors

To effectively clean laminate floors, gently sweep or vacuum regularly to remove debris. For deeper cleaning, use a damp microfiber mop with a mild, laminate-friendly cleaner, ensuring the mop is not overly wet to prevent water damage. Tackle spills immediately to avoid stains. Avoid harsh chemicals and abrasive tools. This simple, gentle approach keeps your laminate floors sparkling clean while preserving their beauty and longevity.

Regular Cleaning Routine for Laminate Floors

Maintaining the beauty and longevity of laminate floors requires a consistent cleaning routine. Here’s a guide to help you keep your floors in top condition:

1. Daily Sweeping or Dusting

  • Tool: Use a soft-bristle broom or a vacuum cleaner with a hard floor setting.
  • Purpose: This removes surface dirt, dust, and pet hair that can scratch the floor’s surface.
  • Technique: Gently sweep or vacuum in the direction of the laminate panels to efficiently collect debris.

2. Weekly Dry Mopping

  • Tool: A microfiber mop is ideal.
  • Purpose: Microfiber mops effectively trap and lift fine particles and allergens, keeping the floor’s surface clean and hygienic.
  • Technique: Move the mop in a back-and-forth motion, covering all areas. The microfiber cloth can be shaken out or washed after use.

3. Spot Cleaning

  • Tool: Clean cloth or sponge.
  • Purpose: Immediate attention to spills and stains prevents them from setting in and causing damage.
  • Technique: Blot spills gently with a damp cloth. For tougher stains, use a laminate-approved cleaner, applying it to the cloth rather than directly on the floor.

4. Preventive Measures

  • Place doormats at entrances to reduce the amount of dirt tracked onto the floors.
  • Encourage a no-shoe policy indoors to minimize dirt and abrasion.
  • Use protective pads under furniture legs to prevent scratches.

Deep Cleaning Methods for Laminate Floors

Deep cleaning your laminate floors periodically can rejuvenate their appearance and maintain their longevity. Here’s a step-by-step guide to do it effectively:

1. Preparation

  • Remove furniture and rugs from the area to be cleaned.
  • Sweep or vacuum the floor thoroughly to remove all loose dirt and debris.

2. Choosing the Right Cleaning Solution

  • Opt for a cleaner specifically designed for laminate floors. Avoid abrasive, ammonia-based, or bleach-based cleaners.
  • You can also make a homemade solution by mixing a cup of white vinegar with a gallon of warm water. The vinegar is gentle and helps to remove grime without leaving residues.

3. Mopping

  • Use a flat-head microfiber mop, which is gentle on laminate surfaces.
  • Dampen the mop in the cleaning solution, then wring it out thoroughly. The mop should be only slightly damp to avoid excess moisture.
  • Mop the floor in sections, moving in the direction of the laminate boards. This method helps in lifting dirt effectively and reduces streaking.

4. Avoiding Water Damage

  • Do not pour cleaning solution directly onto the floor.
  • If any liquid is spilled, clean it immediately.
  • After mopping, if the floor is overly damp, go over it with a dry microfiber cloth to absorb excess moisture.

5. Dealing with Streaks

  • If streaks appear, it may be due to too much cleaner or dirty mop pads. Rinse the mop with clean water, wring it well, and go over the area again.
  • For a streak-free shine, you can use a solution of one part vinegar to three parts water, followed by a quick wipe with a clean, dry microfiber cloth.

Preventive Measures and Maintenance Tips for Laminate Floors


Keeping your laminate floors in pristine condition involves more than just cleaning; it requires preventive strategies and regular maintenance. Here are some effective tips:

  1. Use Doormats and Rugs: Place doormats at all exterior doors to catch dirt, sand, and grit. Use area rugs in high-traffic zones to minimize wear and tear.
  2. Footwear Management: Avoid walking on laminate floors with high heels or heavy work boots, which can cause dents and scratches. Encourage a no-shoe policy or use indoor slippers.
  3. Furniture Protection: Attach felt pads under the legs of furniture to prevent scratches when moving them. Avoid dragging furniture across the floor.
  4. Regular Dusting and Sweeping: Use a soft-bristle broom or a microfiber mop regularly to remove particles that could scratch the floor.
  5. Sunlight Protection: To prevent fading, use curtains or blinds to limit direct sunlight exposure on the floors. UV window protectors can also be effective.
  6. Immediate Spill Cleanup: Clean spills immediately to prevent staining and warping. Use a damp cloth and dry the area thoroughly afterward.
  7. Proper Cleaning Products: Use cleaning products specifically designed for laminate floors. Avoid abrasive cleaners, waxes, or polishes, as they can dull or damage the finish.
  8. Maintaining Shine: To keep the floors shiny, use a laminate floor polish occasionally. Ensure it’s suitable for your specific flooring type.
  9. Humidity Control: Maintain a moderate humidity level in your home to prevent the laminate from warping or swelling.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Cleaning Laminate Floors

  1. Using Too Much Water: Excessive water can seep into seams, causing swelling, warping, or delamination. Always use a damp mop, not a wet one.
  2. Harsh Chemicals: Avoid bleach, ammonia, or abrasive cleaners. These can strip the protective coating and cause discoloration.
  3. Steam Cleaning: High heat and moisture from steam cleaners can damage laminate flooring.
  4. Wax, Polish, or Oil-Based Products: These can leave a dull film on laminate floors. Stick to products specifically designed for laminate.
  5. Abrasive Tools: Scrub brushes, steel wool, or scouring pads can scratch the surface. Use soft cloths or microfiber mops instead.
  6. Ignoring Spills: Leaving spills unattended can cause staining and damage. Clean them up immediately.
  7. Dragging Furniture: Dragging heavy furniture can scratch the flooring. Lift furniture or use felt pads underneath.
  8. Not Sweeping Regularly: Allowing dirt and grit to accumulate can scratch the floor. Regular sweeping is essential.
  9. Using the Wrong Vacuum Attachments: Avoid beater bars or hard brushes. Use a soft brush attachment instead.
  10. Overusing Cleaning Products: More cleaner doesn’t mean cleaner floors. Follow the recommended amount to avoid build-up and residue.

Eco-Friendly and DIY Cleaning Solutions for Laminate Floors

Eco-friendly and DIY cleaning solutions are not only good for the environment but also gentle on your laminate floors. Here are some effective homemade mixtures and natural methods:

Vinegar and Water Solution: Mix one part of white vinegar with three parts of water. This solution effectively cleans without leaving residue. Vinegar’s natural acidity helps remove dirt and grime.

Rubbing Alcohol and Water: Combine equal parts of water, rubbing alcohol, and white vinegar. This mixture dries quickly, reducing the risk of water damage, and leaves a streak-free finish.

Lemon Juice and Water: Mix a few tablespoons of lemon juice in a gallon of water. Lemon juice acts as a natural disinfectant and leaves a fresh, pleasant scent.

Essential Oils: Add a few drops of essential oils like lavender or tea tree to your cleaning solutions for a pleasant aroma and additional antibacterial properties’

Baking Soda for Stains: Make a paste of baking soda and water for spot-cleaning tough stains. Gently rub on the stain, then wipe clean with a damp cloth.

Comparison with Commercial Cleaning Products:

Aspect DIY Cleaning Solutions Commercial Cleaning Products
Eco-Friendliness More environmentally friendly due to natural ingredients and lack of plastic packaging. Often contain chemicals and come in plastic packaging, which can be less eco-friendly.
Cost-Effectiveness Typically cheaper to make using common household ingredients. Generally more expensive than homemade solutions.
Health and Safety Safer for households with children, pets, or allergies due to natural ingredients. May contain harsher chemicals that could be harmful if not used properly.
Effectiveness Effective for regular maintenance and gentle on floors, but may require more effort for tough stains. Specifically formulated for laminate floors and may offer more powerful cleaning for tough stains.
Convenience Require preparation and mixing. Ready to use and convenient for quick cleaning tasks.


Maintaining laminate floors requires a balance of regular cleaning, prompt attention to spills, and the use of appropriate cleaning methods and products.

Opt for commercial cleaners or eco-friendly DIY solutions, the key is to be gentle and avoid practices that can damage the flooring, such as using excessive water or harsh chemicals.

Implementing preventive measures like using doormats and felt pads under furniture also plays a crucial role in preserving the floor’s condition.

By adhering to these guidelines, you can ensure your laminate floors remain a beautiful and durable aspect of your home for years to come.

Cleaners Choice

Cleaners Choice

Cleaners Choice is a team of experienced and passionate cleaning experts dedicated to delivering top-tier services for homes and businesses. With a focus on quality, efficiency, and customer satisfaction, we offer tailored solutions for all your cleaning needs, ensuring your spaces are not just clean, but truly revitalized.

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